Saturday, August 27, 2011

Upcoming events in 2011

Upcoming events in calendar 2011 are determined to make sports fans to keep busy. This is especially true for cricket fans. 19 February to 2 April, will see the 2011 cricket World Cup to be played in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka.

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft is scheduled to arrive in orbit around mercury on March 18. Championships of ice hockey in Slovakia will be held from 29 April. Lovers of space science news, coming in April. Pakistan will launch its first Satellite in space in April.

Astronomers predicted that Jupiter, Venus, mercury and Mars all visible within a roughly 6° area of sky. They found that a partial solar eclipse will be visible in the Arctic in June. Similarly, total lunar eclipse will be visible mainly in Africa, India and the Middle East in June.

Sports fans will receive good news again in July 2011. The International Olympic Committee will announce the host city of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Durban, South Africa. Interestingly, the planet Neptune will have completed the first full orbit since its discovery in 1846, 10 July. A partial solar eclipse will be observed off the coast of Antarctica in July 2011.

Rugby lovers will appreciate the fact that New Zealand will host the 2011 World Cup, between 9 September and October, 23. 2011 Pan American Games will be held between 13 October and 30 October. Meanwhile the scientific researchers have predicted that maximum solar would occur in 2012. The 2011 calendar, then, shows that it is laden with upcoming events that keep busy all through the year people from all walks of life and all interests.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Astrology predictions for June 2011-general trends for all Sun signs

We have 2 Eclipse this month bringing changes, and we could see some good luck and creative energy in the first half of June. But, with the advance of this month, we could meet unexpected emergencies and problems. Actually we have 3 Eclipse this summer with that final 1° July. June could be a month of spiritual transition and crashes. Try to be prepared for anything and do not press your luck.

The month starts with a Sun Eclipse new moon in Gemini singing in harmony with Saturn on June 1. This will be an excellent time for changes in the business, or some might just be ready to make some changes practices at home. The Eclipse will be the major influence for change, but there are also 2 outer planets influencing changes. Neptune will be held on 3 June, retrograde and Jupiter enters Taurus 4 June. Those with dominate the fish in their graphic designers may find that changes on them are difficult and unsettling. Taurus and Sagittarius may discover that there are opportunities for luck in their understanding.

The week of 6 June looks very promising with two outer planets, Jupiter and Neptune, singing in harmony. Call my calendar Llewellyn, "mystical inspiration." It will be a great week for creative projects and romance, but Venus will be angry with the ladder. Taurus and Libra have to watch out for disappointments or confusion. Because these two planets are sitting on the cusps, there could be few moments heroic. Keep the useful, because someone might need to be saved.

Sunday 12 June could be a day of inspiration with Saturn turning direct, joining the Sun mercury Venus singing with Uranus. Things could be better than we planned on that day, but with an Eclipse Moon approaching the 15 June, there may be some unexpected problems to address. This Eclipse will be total Moon Eclipse and will not be viewable by the United States. However, still affect us. There could be changes in travel, or some might have unexpected problems with their cars. This Eclipse could affect also the brothers, neighbors and even higher education and institutions.

There might be some more upsets on the day of the fathers and through the early days of the week of June 19. Mercury and Pluto will be at a stalemate, on Sunday, which could cause some of us to put your foot in your mouth. Think before you speak, because there is a potential for quarrels. Mars will be in a battle with Neptune through 22 June, and this can really drain our energy. Laziness might become pandemic. Some may reach for their addictions to cope. The Sun moves to placate Mars and Neptune on 22 may, so there could be some positive results from our efforts. Things will improve as we approach the weekend, and good luck could be once again shines on us.

The week of 26 June could bring more upheaval and errors with the Sun at Pluto, Uranus, and a t-square. There might be even thefts, accidents and arguments. But Uranus, Mars will be rewarding so if you do not let things get us down, we can only find success in the long run.

We will have a most Eclipse this summer Friday 1 July, therefore, quite probably could end up shaking. July seems much more serene. Check next month to learn more.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Basics of astrology

The study of divination based on alleged or influence of stars on multiple events as events of human life. The art or practice through omens or magic powers to predict the future is commonly known as astrology.

Astronomy is intertwined with the Astrology according to our ancestors.

Many different arenas of life are included in this ancient science that involves the study of the movement of the planets and stars.

It is really an art of astrologers who study the movements of these celestial bodies and clarifies many issues regarding the issues of life on Earth.

Astrology not only gives knowledge about the basic nature of the individual, but also provides advice regarding opportunities on the road and the challenges that you faced in life very quickly. Guidance about the appropriate time to take any decision regarding business, marriage, etc.

It is very interesting and a vast field. Many people believe strongly in the study of astrology, while some do not. People, who believe in it, love to consult an astrologer to know more about their horoscopes as accurately predict human behavior or event until a greater degree of a chance. Astrologers try to give good advice to their advisors regarding their common questions relating to issues like marriage, love, business studies, traveling, future planning, the spouse's behavior, health, etc.But, that is a must before consulting the astrologer, one must ensure that its forecasts are strong and give good advice and he is not a fake astrologer.

The calculations for inflatable deeply involve the date and year of birth, which is why the horoscope is a very personal, that must be accurately known otherwise a prediction or simply wrong information misguides a person.

There are more than 80 branches of astrology that includes some of the below fields declared:

· Humanistic Astrology: This gives personal stuff related to personality and predictions for future planning.
· RELATIONSHIP Astrology: Includes knowledge or help regarding relations like choosing a life partner, lover, parents, children, boss, family, siblings, spouse, etc.
· Vocational Astrology relates to employment, occupation and the best guide to the best career opportunities.
· Astrology: of or relating to the world or we can say with the practicalities of everyday life that involves issues of the country is concerned and events relating to political activities, wars, global changes etc.
· ASTRO Meteorology: a science that deals with the prediction of atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with the weather and weather forecasts
· Financial ASTROLOGY: related to the economy.
· Gambling and sports Astrology: promises to help make the right decision in games to get benefit.
· Medical astrology: concerns that diet routines for physical fitness, and some people take interest to get a baseline on their health recovery from a particular disease

The prediction of Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse are made with the help of astrology and this study is entirely by movements of celestial bodies that make up the solar system.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Understanding solar eclipses

Solar eclipses are one of the true wonders of nature. The partial eclipse viewing harmless to living a life of total eclipse is interesting to gain an understanding of the facts behind these events sometimes mysterious.

A basic explanation of what a solar eclipse is what happens when the Moon comes directly between the Sun and the Earth in a partial or total. Solar Eclipse can occur only during the new moons. This is the time of the month when the Moon's illuminated surface lies on the opposite side of Earth. It would seem that this implies a solar eclipse would be verified once a month, but in reality the orbit of the Moon around the Earth is elliptical and tilts slightly vary on a five-degree angle with respect to the Earth. Luna blocks only the Sun roughly twice a year, when the new moon coincides with the tilt of the Moon orbit directly between the Earth and the Sun. The shadow of the Moon is not sufficient to cover the surface of our planet so only part of the earth experiences a total eclipse in a moment.

The difference between the most common partial Eclipse and the Eclipse total is simply that most dramatic in a total eclipse, the Moon is directly aligned to the Sun crashes out in its entirety, for a short period of time. Also, why the Moon varies with distance from the Earth during its orbit over time, it seems bigger on Earth during some eclipses and smaller in others. Occurs when the Moon is close to the ground during a total eclipse a blocking of the surface of the Sun. When the Moon is further away it appears smaller and a slight ring of the Sun around the surface of the Moon is visible. The result is an annular eclipse.

A total eclipse is regarded as one of the true wonders of nature. Near its peak the world is thrown into a different kind of dark, mysterious twilight effect with an orange and yellow. Just as the sun passes under the cover of the last tape of Sun Moon breaks into points of light known as grains of Bailey. Bailey's beads are the last remnants of light passing through Lunar valleys of the moon. Soon the last bright Pearl remains similar to a diamond ring. Finally we reach the totality. At this point the actual gas emitted from the Sun are visible around the perimeter of the moon to a brightness equal to that of the full moon. The Sun is perfectly safe to watch this time in the form of a black disc in the sky. The magnitude of the beauty of a total eclipse can not be over exaggerated. The Eclipse then reverses with the Sun once again becoming visible and the sky to return to normal.

During a partial eclipse will cause the Sun Looks permanent damage to the retina of the eye. Special techniques such as the use of pinhole cameras or special filters must be used to display the Sun right now. The outer portion of the Sun is visible during a partial eclipse is known as the Penumbra. Inside black of the Eclipse that occurs during total eclipses is called the umbra.

The occurrence of eclipses is predictable and well known. The frequencies known exactly identical positions of the Moon than the Sun and Earth are called the saros Eclipse. Formulas from calculations based on the saros enable astrophysicists determine both when and where partial and total lunar eclipse will take place. Furthermore, the percentages of total partial eclipses, as well as what are called hybrid Eclipse can be determined in advance. Hybrid eclipses are a combination of total and annular eclipses that occur along different portions of their paths.

Eclipses are beautiful and precious natural phenomena where wonder increases only when you understand the science behind them. These solar phenomenon full proof of the great glory of nature drawing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

History of the old testament revised-Eclipse of Jeremiah

Thales of Miletus Consider the astronomer Thales of Miletus. Thales is credited by peers in his age to predict an Eclipse of the Sun that stopped the war between the Nations of Lydia and Media. Apparently, Lydia and Media were engaged in battle when there was a solar eclipse. These Nations, who were worshippers of heavenly bodies, realized that the solar eclipse could be an omen potentially "bad", so they negotiated an end to military engagement. This Eclipse conventional eminent dated year 585 BC. This date is only a year other than the conventional date proposed by eminent for the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 b.c. As Lydia (modern Turkey) is in the same part of the world as Jerusalem, the Eclipse was described by Thales who stopped the war between Lydia and visible in Jerusalem near the time of the siege of Nebuchadnezzar Media? If it was visible in Jerusalem was documented in the Bible this Eclipse?

The solar eclipse in Turkey (Lydia) in 585 BC was visible on Israel. No other solar eclipse occurred in Turkey or Israel from 558 BC until 634 BC Therefore this Eclipse could be seen in Israel and was the only Eclipse who might have witnessed in Israel during this period. So the Bible makes mention of a solar eclipse near the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar? I think it does.

Consider the following verses (Jeremiah 6: 4-5):

"Prepare ye war against her; rise and climb at midday. Woe to us! The day goes on, to the shadows of evening are strained. Arise and allow us to go out at night and we have to destroy her palaces ". Many theologians believe this verse describes a conversation between generals of Nebuchadnezzar, on the day that they had to attack Jerusalem. These theologians believe that Nebuchadnezzar's forces were preparing to attack at noon and found that their attack had been extended until the end of the day so that they would continue their attack at night. I have a different interpretation. I believe that these verses describe an Eclipse of the Sun. I think that Nebuchadnezzar's forces began to attack at noon, when there was a solar eclipse. His generals realized that a "bad omen" was occurring in the sky (maybe due to some God angry) and so have exclaimed, "Woe to us" and stop the attack. (It is interesting that the forces of Lydia and Media reacted similarly during the Eclipse itself that was predicted by Thales). Note also that the characteristics of an Eclipse of the Sun, day, and the distortion of the shadows, are mentioned in the verse to clarify that the solar event took place. The generals of Nebuchadnezzar attacked then by night to avoid the possibility that another solar eclipse would occur and obstruct their attack.

The wording of the verse indicates also the uniqueness of the event. Note that the phrase "shadows of the evening are elongated". This is the only place in the entire Bible uses this description of shadows. There are two different ways used by Solomon to describe the appearance of shadows, as the night turned to day, song of songs 2: 17 and 4: 6: "until the break of day and the shadows flee away ...". The phrase "the shadows flee away" literally means that the shadows is a reasonable way to describe the phenomena of the Sun turning night into day has disappeared. The phrase "shadows of the evening are elongated" from the book of Jeremiah is better translated "shadows of the evening were distorted". During a solar eclipse shadows show the appearance of many strange behaviors. As the sun approaches solar eclipses, the shadows of the trees seem to have many boundaries Crescent, shadows across the land seems to stretch and shadows. I think this is what describes Jeremiah when he wrote "shadows of the evening are elongated".

If this was a solar eclipse because not Jeremiah write "the day becomes night at noon"? I think this was a special type of eclipse, an annular eclipse. A total solar eclipse will result in total darkness for some area on Earth, however, will not be an annular eclipse. So what is an annular eclipse? Is an Eclipse where it is eclipsed only about 97% of the surface of the Sun. Total darkness does not occur; However the luminosity of the Sun is diminished as went behind a cloud. Consequently, the description of the solar eclipse in Jeremiah 6: 4-5 is consistent with the description of an annular solar eclipse.

Find the Eclipse of Thales

If the Eclipse Jeremiah 6: 4-5 is an annular eclipse and the Eclipse itself is described by Thales of Miletus, so it may not be the Eclipse that occurred in 585 BC. Why? The Eclipse was a total eclipse of the Sun.

So what are eclipses? According to the timeline that I propose in my book "The fourth day: because the Bible is historically accurate," the destruction of Jerusalem it happens very close to 390 BC, rather than the year 586 BCE as many historians. The solar eclipse is closest to Israel at the time that I have proposed took place on August 14, 39 3 BC and was an annular eclipse.

While a Solar Eclipse provides very useful information when it comes to dating an event it seems that God provides further clarification to remove all doubt as to which he refers to solar eclipse (Jeremiah 15: 9): "she who has born seven languisheth: she gave the soul; the Sun has gone down while it's still day ... "Note that it is much clearer in this verse that a solar eclipse took place:" ....her Sun went down, while it is still day ... ". Also, can you imagine a woman who has her own "Sun"? What kind of woman is this? If you read that chapter XII in the book of revelations of a woman in heaven was associated with Israel and his name is a Virgin. It is possible that Jeremiah refers to the constellation Virgo? According to this verse he bore Virgo "seven". I've mentioned elsewhere in my book, "The fourth day: because the Bible is historically accurate" that the sign in heaven described in Revelation 12: 3 regarding the heavenly sign of the Dragon with seven crowns was the constellation Hydra and seven bodies (Sun, Moon and five planets) located in the sky during a solar eclipse. It is possible that Jeremiah 15: 9 is describing a heavenly sign similar? An Eclipse of the Sun occurred on Israel on August 14, 39 3 BC During this solar eclipse Virgo constellation is in the midst of heaven, and seven celestial bodies, the Sun and Moon and five planets, would have been in heaven. So I think Jeremiah 15: 9 is a description of the appearance of the sky during the solar eclipse that occurs at the beginning of the siege that Nebuchadnezzar conducted on Jerusalem, the solar eclipse that Thales predicted a Solar Eclipse and that he stop the war between Lydia and Media.

Friday, August 12, 2011

2012 Predictions revealed by ancient civilizations

Maya 2012 predictions The Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, Maya believes 2012 is the end of time as we know it. As mentioned above, the Mayan calendar was very accurate, even more precise than our modern day calendar. All the technology of today and the ancient Mayan culture was still more accurate with their calendar. Astronomers today only recently have found that the Milky Way Galaxy has a supermassive black hole, the Mayan culture this knew the milky way 1, 000 years ago without telescopes. The Mayan 2012 prediction is that the Earth and the Sun aligns with the comes in black, known as the black hole in the milky way. It is believed that cause great destruction on Earth. Scientist have already established that our poles have moved before. It is possible that our poles move suddenly on December 21, 2012. This would cause massive natural disasters, ending life as we know here on Earth. Solar flares from the Sun will destroy our planet?

2012 Forecast-just another Y2K? Is this another Y2K scare tactic to make money? No, Y2K computer glitch was made by a man. All you need to buy a new computer or new software to avoid this so-called disaster. Also our Government was in the shit Y2K. However, the 2012 is based on historical anomaly, scientific fact and spiritual connection. Several ancient cultures all agree that something is changing our world come December 21, 2012. How could it be that the Maya, The Aztecs, The Icans, The Indians, the Christians, the i-Ching, The Celts, The Oracle Web Bots, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Pueblo, Cherokee, the Egyptian and Tibetan cultures, all are wrong and that nothing is going to happen? I have always had the conviction that, if you're ready for the worst and nothing happens, at least were prepared, but if you're ready for anything and simplest predictions come true, we will be helpless.

The Mayan culture A precise timetable and dedicated astronomers are well-known things Maya. If you like and trust of astrology, then the Mayan culture should really spark your interest. If you think that astrology is just a bunch of theories routes then wouldn't waste more of your time reading this article on Mayan culture and Mayan 2012 predictions. The Mayans left behind accurate graphs and rings that included a table of eclipses alert that was based on the observation of the planets to predict solar and lunar cycles. This table notice included the solar and Lunar Eclipse of 1000 years in the future. The Maya used the pyramid watching the sun rise to celebrate the summer and winter solstices, the days shorter and longer than a year. In the most important Mayan cities built complex of astronomy that were aligned North to South to form an astronomical observatory. The most well known are the groups and, where facilities-1, and 2 and 3 are located. The Maya based their astronomical and calendar data on an intricate mathematical discipline. This discipline of mathematics was used throughout the Mayan calendar to determine the least common multiple of various astronomical and calendar cycles. The Mayan culture was known for their intelligence, determination and capacity building of about 5,000 archaeological sites in Guatemala just everything. Mayan astronomers developed a solar calendar more accurate than that of the modern calendar today.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

11 July 2012-Super Eclipse preparation before and after-Astrology 2010, 2012

So I felt obliged to give advice on what you should do tomorrow. I would like to remind everyone that even if you live in an area will be the Eclipse is not visible, its energy will be. As I said before, that the energy of an Eclipse can be heard in two weeks before the event. This special energy of Eclipse will be vibrant with more strength in the southern hemisphere, mainly in the Pacific Ocean.

If I have you know that have recently been sent by the great spirit of the Earth at a ceremony in one of the three peaks of the mountains more energetic by Cuszo for Machu Pichu. It is actually a direct line to the center of Cuzco and Machu Pichhu. It is a little closer to Cusco to Machu Pichu. These temples of mountain activated the same life-force of mother earth herself and has acted as communications between humanity and the Earth's highest consciousness that manifests to us.

If you watched the video you've seen that I was being directed to empower mountain to produce excess water. Most of the water formed deep underground trenches where super pressurized water without oxygen enters goe-thermal Chambers and to the end and go to the variation of pressure with certain combinations of mineral water alignments can be created.

Many have also probably heard Japanese scientist who experimented with water. Water has an amazing capacity for reception. The solar system is directing all the power of this rare event on South Pacific seems quite fitting. We all need water, and the wave energy will not be slowed down much of the water. The Eclipse will influence the molecular structure of water molecules in the Pacific Ocean, all the way to the trenches in which water is produced.

A very good choice for altering the State of being of all beings in this collective experience that we share. In any event, the Eclipse will be at 3: 30 to make the most powerful time of day will be from 3: 00-16:00 ... Peruvian time. (EAST) whatever time is where you live ... can you help meditating on your heart centre with the Southern Pacific in mind. Our intent and willingness can strengthen the link between our planet and the solar system as a whole.

So I couldn't take time to get out of a video that it seems that the practices are meant to be for the course. The important thing is you know energy and time are not linear and also there is a degree to any alignment that is energy can be heard. Here's how kind life of birth and death. You enter knowing almost nothing, you learn to a climax of your life and if they have lived successfully you will enjoy the slow collapse of your interaction with that of the event and you die waiting for death.

SO right now we are experiencing the final breaths of the Eclipse Moon energy per day more powerful than the lifespan of the solar eclipse.

I tried to explain what this is actually doing to us and why?

We have energy centres, many of them know how chakras, however there are more than 7 energy centers. May contest there are 8 main energy centres, the 1th of power to 7 of the secondary. Chakras act as our experience and connect with the outside world. Different chakras with our different ways of perceiving the world.

What we think about the world. What we do in the world, how we feel about the world, our communication on higher levels with various diversity awareness within our reality and our ability to connect with the web of tissue energy that keeps everything connected to it is a separate distribution.

What is happening now is a big change in what we think about the world and how we will feel about the world. Bottom line is the old ways of thinking and feeling will not be unable to exist. Because this type of energy revolves around the manipura chakra of the event, the change will affect mainly how we act.

Despite the media frenzy and the agenda of "Slow Down" evolution 2012 and our times should not be painful for all the destruction. Unfortunately there was sufficient preparation so that people would be much more disconnected and much less prepared for the changes. Rapid change and the way you normally do not want to go about things. Display a chart you can see waves of energy more balanced smooth have the climax the midpoint of the end and beginning.

If we have yet to contact of consciousness and you'd like to know more visit the link below and find much more information/practical/Life Science by connecting to my page of you-tube well (this can be done through the same link below).

Is our time to be the change. Is our time to understand our true power when we understand the infinite source. But it is necessary to strengthen the momentum for change and evolutionary growth. GET CONNECTED: